Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Love Lyrics Nicki Minaj feat Flo Rida

Do be do be do do do oh
Do be do be do do do oh

Shawty Imma only tell you this once
You the illest (Ba Bada Da Oh)
And for your loving
Imma die hard like Bruce Willis(Ba BaDa Da Oh)
You got spark
You (You) got spunk
You (You) got something all the girls want
You like a candy store
And Imma toodler
You got me wanting more and ma ma more of
Your love, your love (yeah) [4x]
Your love, your love [4x]

[Verse 1]
He the type that pop tags
And be coppin the brim
Might breeze through the air
Might stop at the gym
And he keep a durag
Keep his wave on swim
But waves on swim
So they hate on him
Anyway I think I meet him sometime before
In a different Life
Or where I record
I mean he was Adam
I think I was Eve
But my vision ends with the apple on the tree
S on my chest
Cuz I'm ready to save him
Cause I'm the one like I'm Tracy McGrady
And I think I love him
Like Eminem calls 'em shady
When he call me Mama
Lil Mama I call him Baby

Shawty Imma only tell you this once
You the illest (Ba Bada Da Oh)
And for your loving
Imma die hard like Bruce Willis(Ba BaDa Da Oh)
You got spark
You (You) got spunk
You (You) got something all the girls want
You like a candy store
And Imma toodler
You got me wanting more and ma ma more of
Your love, your love (yeah) [4x]
Your love, your love [4x]

[Verse 2]
Ya ya ya ya
He the type that keep a couple hundred grand in a rubberband
Just left money gram in the leminem
Hot damn
Make me scream like summer jam
Im mean that nigga must be from mother land
Anyway I think I meet him the sky
When I was a geisha
He was a Samari
Some how I understood him when He spoke Thai
Never spoke lies
And he never broke Fly
S on my chest
Let me get my cake on
With a certificate that I changed my name on
(na na naa na name on)
With a certificate that I changed my name on
(Nicki Minaj Feat. Flo Rida Your Love Lyrics on
Shawty Imma only tell you this once
You the illest (Ba Bada Da Oh)
And for your loving
Imma die hard like Bruce Willis(Ba BaDa Da Oh)
You got spark
You (You) got spunk
You (You) got something all the girls want
You like a candy store
And Imma toodler
You got me wanting more and ma ma more of
Your love, your love (yeah) [4x]
Your love, your love [4x]

Find me in the dark
I'll be in the stars
Find me in your heart
I'm in need of your love

How to Use 'Social Media' to Improve Your Website

One of the best ways that you can start doing better online is to find new ways to reach people. When you use some of the networking websites that are available, you can find that you are able to connect with more people and find the customers that you need.

Social media is one of the best ways that you can reach new groups online and that you can use to find the connections that you need. Many people use social media as a way to grow their business online and to find more of the customers that they are looking for online.

When you are going to start marketing on social media websites, one of the first things that you need to do is start an account. Once you open an account on the website, you can then start to find out how you can create links and how to find and join groups. These groups can be new customers that you are trying to reach or other professionals that are also marketing online.

You can use social media as a way to expand your markets and be able to reach the people that you need. When you are starting out, you also need to make sure that you know about SEO and how to use it. It is important to be able to include the SEO in the content that you write and in the links that you provide on the websites.

Once you have started using social media, you can quickly see how it can help you be able to reach more people, get the connections that you are looking for and you can also create links that are placed on the other website. Using social media is a great way to expand your contacts and join groups of other professionals who are in the same kind of market.

You do want to make sure that you are using SEO and that you have the best keywords that you are using in the links that you provide and in the content on your website. If you need help trying to use SEO tools and learning more about SEO and keywords, you can find the help that you need online and find the professionals who are able to help you get started.

You can find that using social media works and it works because there are many people now joining the websites and you can find the connections and contacts that you need when you are trying to grow the business that you have. You can also learn how to link the different accounts that you have on the social media networks together, so that you can easily manage them and be able to link them all together.

This is a good idea because it can take a lot of time to update all of the accounts when you want to make an update online and, if you link the accounts together through social media, you are able to post an update on one of the accounts and websites and have it updated on all of the other accounts that you have.

It also makes it easier to manage each of the social media websites that you are using. But before you start posting information and updates on the accounts and website, you want to be sure that you are using the right SEO and that you find the right tools to be able to market the website.

If you are not sure how to use any of the SEO tools that are available online or, if you do not want to try it yourself, you can find companies that specialize in SEO that are able to help you with the areas that you need to improve. You can find that social media has opened up a lot of ways to be able to communicate with your customers, develop new contacts online and get the customers that you want.

By being able to promote your website on social media websites, you are also able to reach the target groups that you need. Once you begin to use social media, you can see all of the ways that it can easily help you start to grow your business online and find the customers that you need that are interested in the products that you have on the website.

Pierced-tongue stud can eventually result in a gap between the front teeth

Washington - ‘Playing’ with a pierced-tongue stud can eventually result in a gap between the front teeth, according to a study by University at Buffalo researchers.

“It is a basic tenet of orthodontic that force, over time, moves teeth,” said the study’s primary investigator, Sawsan Tabbaa, assistant professor of orthodontics at the UB School of Dental Medicine.

Tabbaa notes that a previous UB dental school survey study of Buffalo high school students revealed that the presence of a barbell implant/stud caused a damaging habit whereby subjects pushed the metal stud up against and between their upper front teeth, a habit commonly referred to among the students as “playing.”

“And it happened in very high percent of the cases,” said Tabbaa.

That repeated “playing” with the stud may result in a gap as is demonstrated in Tabbaa’s current case study.

The study involved a 26- year-old female patient examined at UB’s orthodontic clinic who complained that a large space had developed between her upper central incisors or upper front teeth. The patient also had a tongue piercing that held a barbell-shaped tongue stud.

The tongue was pierced seven years earlier and every day for seven years she had pushed the stud between her upper front teeth, creating the space between them and, subsequently, habitually placing it in the space. The patient did not have a space between her upper front teeth prior to the tongue piercing.

“The barbell is never removed because the tongue is so vascular that leaving the stud out can result in healing of the opening in the tongue, said Tabbaa, “so it makes perfect sense that constant pushing of the stud against the teeth-every day with no break-will move them or drive them apart.”

The patient provided the research team with photos that demonstrated she had no diastema, or space, prior to having her tongue pierced. For the purposes of treating this patient’s space, it was assumed that positioning of the tongue stud between the maxillary central incisors or “playing” caused the midline space.

Her treatment involved a fixed braces appliance to push the front teeth back together.

Tongue piercing can result in serious injury not just to teeth but has also been associated with hemorrhage, infection, chipped and fractured teeth, trauma to the gums and, in the worst cases, brain abscess, said Tabbaa.see more

Amateur scientist discovers snails ‘have a homing instinct’

London: A 69-year-old amateur scientist has discovered that her garden snails can apparently find their way back home.Dr Dave Hodgson from Exeter University conducted the experiment.

The idea formulated when Ruth Brooks, exasperated with snails that were wreaking havoc with her garden, took them away to a nearby piece of wasteland.But she found that they kept coming back.

Brook and Hodgson’s experiments revealed that her snails were able to return to her garden unless they were placed more than 10 metres away.“The conventional thinking is that snails are far too simple to be able to find their way home. So if Ruth’s findings are true we’ll have to rethink our theories,” the BBC quoted Hodgson as saying.

Now, Hodgson has invited members of the public to take part in a National “Snail Swap” Experiment.He is asking people to collect their garden snails in a bucket and label them with coloured nail varnish - a process he says does not harm them.

The next step is to persuade a neighbour and nearby friend to do the same - but they have to label their snails a different colour.The final step is to swap buckets and wait to see if any of your snails come back.

“Even if none of your swapped snails return we’d like you to enter your results online, as the data will help ecologists understand the behaviour of these ancient creatures,” said Michelle Martin, who is managing the project.If the results back Ruth Brooks’ claims - gardeners will have to do more than just throw their snails over the garden fence to be rid of their pests.see more

How 'Neuroglobin' protects against Alzheimer’s

Washington: Researchers from the University of California, Davis, and the University of Auckland have found that neuroglobin may protect against Alzheimer’s disease by preventing brain neurons from dying in response to natural stress.

Scientists have learned that neuroglobin protects cells from stroke damage, amyloid toxicity and injury due to lack of oxygen. It occurs in various regions of the brain and at particularly high levels in brain cells called neurons. However, the exact mechanisms by which neuroglobin protects cells was not known yet.

A cell dies quickly when its mitochondria stop functioning. Various kinds of stressors, such as lack of oxygen, low nutrient levels, increased calcium levels or presence of toxic substances can cause mitochondria to rupture.

UC Davis biomedical engineering professor Subhadip Raychaudhuri found that neuroglobins neutralize a molecule necessary for the formation of a type of protein that triggers the cell’s collapse. In Alzheimer’s disease too, a toxic type of protein accumulates in brain neurons and leads to mitochondrial rupture and cell death, and hence this find could have important implications in treating AD.see more

How to get More Backlink' And Increase Website Traffic'

Backlinks are links that are directed to your website from other websites or blogs. Backlinks are vital to any website ranking in search engines.

Not only do they generate traffic themselves by giving
web surfers an active link to click through to your
site, but they also increase your PageRank. PageRank
is Google's way of measuring the importance and
relevancy of website.

The more inbound links pointing to your site,
the higher your PageRank will be. And the higher
your PageRank, the more willing other websites will
be to link to you.

As you can see, increasing the backlinks to your site
can have a snowball effect on the number of visitors
to your website.

Now let's take a look at a few ways you can increase
your number of backlinks.

1. Many of your visitors will have their own websites
and blogs. Ask them to link to you. You'd be surprised
how well this works if you offer content that is really
useful and informative.

2. Make it easy for others to link to you by creating
a "Link to Us" page and give them the html code so all
they have to do is cut and paste it onto their web pages.
The easier you make it for them the more likely they'll
be to link to you.

3. Submit some articles to article directories in
exchange for a link back to your site.

4. Submit your url to various directories. Back in the
early days of the internet, there were no search engines
like Google or Yahoo. People found what they needed by
searching a directory that was broken into categories.

Today, most people prefer to use the search engines to
find what they need. But the directories haven't died
out just yet. Some people still use them and the links
still count for PageRank.

You can submit your website to quality directories like:

For a comprehensive list of directories you can submit
your website to,
check out

5. When you agree to link to a website in exchange for that
website linking back to you, it's called a reciprocal link.

As with directories, many website owners have all but
given up on reciprocal linking. They argue that the search
engines have devalued reciprocal links to the point where
they're not worth the time it takes to obtain them.

But there are others who still have great success with
this method. The key is to not just link to anyone for
the sake of linking. Link to sites that are truly useful
and relevant to your visitors.

When done right, reciprocal linking will work for everyone
and both websites will receive a boost in Articles

Possible cause' of one form of bowel disease identified

Scientists have found one possible cause of irritable bowel syndrome-a small piece of RNA that blocks a substance protecting the colon membrane, leading to hostile conditions that can produce diarrhea, bloating and chronic abdominal pain. The latest research shows that this RNA segment sends signals that stop the activity of the gene that produces glutamine, an amino acid.

Previous research has linked a shortage of glutamine in the gut with the seepage of toxins and bacteria through the intestinal wall, irritating nerves and creating disease symptoms. Scientists said that trying to generate glutamine in the disordered bowel by silencing this RNA segment could open up a whole new way of thinking about treating the diarrhea-predominant type of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

This form of the disorder is characterized by diarrhea and bloating as well as chronic abdominal pain that is difficult to treat. About a third of IBS patients have the diarrhea-predominant type, another third experience consistent constipation, and the rest experience alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation.

“We treat the disorder, but we still don’t understand it completely. We often have to use multiple therapies to attack the symptoms, but the pain is by far the most difficult to treat. For some patients, the pain responds only to escalating doses of narcotics or tricyclic antidepressants,” said scientists.
In the Ohio State University study, researchers observed that in human tissue samples, the presence of this small piece of RNA was associated with reduced activity by the gene that produces glutamine.

Lower levels of glutamine were seen only in tissue samples from patients with the diarrhea-predominant type of IBS. A group of these patients also had a condition called increased intestinal permeability, which allows toxins and bacteria into the colon that typically can’t get in.

The resulting irritation to nerves in the colon is believed to contribute to diarrhea and abdominal pain. The finding suggests that the glutamine deficiency is connected to the increased intestinal permeability, which dramatically increases the likelihood that diarrhea-predominant IBS symptoms will follow.

“We’ve known about characteristics of this disease, but we didn’t know the reasons behind them. This study helps us connect everything together. Maybe if we can modulate the microRNA, we can heal the disease.

That is our whole hypothesis,” said QiQi Zhou, assistant professor of internal medicine at Ohio State and lead author of the study.See more

BlackBerry' Torch smartphone to take on Apple’s iPhone

London: The makers of BlackBerry have unveiled a new smartphone with a touchscreen and slideout keyboard that it hopes will fend off competition from Apple’s iPhone.The BlackBerry Torch will go on sale in the US Aug 12 for $199.99 (Rs.9,200) with a two-year contract with AT&T. The new smartphone was unveiled in New York Tuesday.

The device uses a new operating system and has a faster and easier-to-use web browser, its manufacturer Research in Motion (RIM) said at a press conference, reports the Daily Mail from the US.

The Canadian firm hopes that the consumer-friendly features could help BlackBerry catch up with the iPhone as well as smartphones that uses Google’s Android operating system such as Motorola’s Droid.

But analysts have warned that it does not raise the bar enough to truly challenge Apple’s position as a leader. The launch comes as BlackBerry’s security measures have come under scrutiny after Saudi Arabia announced that it is banning Blackberry messaging from Friday.

The United Arab Emirates threatened Sunday to ban some BlackBerry services unless RIM gives it access to encrypted messages. While BlackBerry has long been the gold standard for business users because of its speedy, secure email service, critics said it needs a big overhaul to expand its popularity beyond business customers.

BlackBerry Torch users can type messages on the screen or a slide-out keyboard. It comes with a 5-megapixel camera with a flash and a built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) for location-based applications. The new BlackBerry 6 operating system integrates access to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter with its BlackBerry Messenger service.(ANI)

Sexy Sleek' Looking Skin Tight Jeans

Sexy skin tight jeans, whether you are a fan or not it is the hottest jeans in town! Tight jeans have been popular since the 1980’s, back then it was the fashion norm among the teens. Wearing tight skin tight jeans were the early Mod scene and very popular to both men and women especially among the youth culture fashions.

It came across America on the account of the Rock ’n’ Roll boom during the 1950’s. Elvis the king of rock ‘n’ roll shocked the country by donning tight jeans while showing off his famous gyrating moves. The skin tight jeans gave opportunity to people with ‘bulging packages’ to show off their assets. Men especially those who plays in rock bands are great fans of skin tight jeans giving them the impression of the ‘bad boy’ image such as the Rolling Stones and other popular heavy metal bands particularly thrash scene bands like Megadeath, Slayer, Anthrax and Metallica.

Skin tight jeans are also known in the early years in other terms such as skinny jeans, skinny pants, cigarette pants, slimjims, carrot leg pants, pencil pants, drainpipes, tapered pants, peg leg pants, ice cream cone pants and old school hood jeans.

Tight jeans have started to gain currency and the new concept of this denim is rather brave when it comes to the men’s fashion. Skin tight jeans come long and lean and as tight as you may like. Blue denim jeans have always been the most popular tones but today color fashion of tight jeans are available with the coolest and hippest undertones.

Skin tight jeans are so tight it hugs the legs and a shape the bottoms of the person wearing the jeans appearing like it’s almost a second skin. Women are so much into tight jeans, making skin tight jeans fast becoming the newest trend in town selling like hotcakes in the market now. Tight jeans are very stylish in a way that somehow it makes a lot of people look a lot thinner, enhancing the shape of the body into a more curvaceous form. There are also skin tight jeans stitched and cut into different styles that enable figure enhancements and makes miracles in camouflaging unwanted body features.

A person who wants to achieve a slimmer impression will be more successful with the right pair of skin tight jeans. Stretch denim jeans are also very hot in the market, it is considered to be the second best selling when it comes to clothing items. The materials of stretch denims are very popular in cotton and spandex fabrics and the common combination of the materials of stretch denim jeans constitutes of 1% spandex, 28% polyester and 78% cotton.

If you are aiming for the sleek look, cotton-Lycra blends of stretch denim jeans are the right pair for you. There are also artistically designed skin tight jeans available in the market. You can have these skin tight stretch denim jeans in floral, beaded and embroidered. A pair of tight jeans that has a light tone at the thighs thru the knees will give your legs a shapelier looking form.Source

Baby Born with a separate nose

Indonesia: Babies born in Barabai 'south Kalimantan', May 9, 2010, it has a separate nostrils. One hole left in place of normal, while the right nostril in the forehead and the hole facing up. His eyes are also a bit closed with a skin that was barely visible.

Internet 'Reputation Management' To Improve Your Online Buzz

When replying to the review, part of the Internet Reputation management strategies is that you understand of the review. It can be difficult if the review is bad and the person is angry, but you need to try and fix the problem and not respond in a negative way to the review.

You need to maintain a positive reply and appear understanding of the review, even if you are not in favor. You also need to make sure that you are addressing the problems that were brought up in the review. Maybe there is a problem that you need to fix on your website and you need to be sure that you assess those problems and fix them.

When responding to negative reviews, you need to consider where the person is getting that opinion from. It could be because something is not working with the searches on your website or maybe the search engine optimization that you are using is not working as it should be.

Part of developing Internet reputation management is being level and objective so that you are able to respond to the reviews and let the users know that you are not only aware of the problems that have been addressed, but that you are also taking the steps to fix them.

You do not want to promise a solution right away in the reply, but you do need to address the problem and let users know you are doing your best to fix it.

Even if the negative reviews are not what you want to see for your website, they can help you fix any areas of the website that could be improved and help you do more business. But if you ignore the reviews that are made on your website, that shows users that you do not care if your website has something that is not working and that is not going to help you get rid of the negative reviews.

Developing a strategy for handling negative reviews should be part of your objectives for owning a business and having a website. If you have not yet begun to get reviews, you may want to develop a good strategy that you can use if you do start to receive negative reviews.

When you are using search engine optimization, there can be a number of things that may not be working or that could be working better. It is better to address any of those search engine problems and correct the features that may not be working right away than to ignore them.

If you find that you keep getting reviews of your website that are ending up on the first page of the search results, the best thing that you can do is to reply right away and offer a solution for the problems. You don’t want to state that you have the solution and it is fixed if it is not, but you should let your users know that you are not only aware that there is something that needs to get fixed, but that you are working on getting it fixed.

If you have not yet received any negative reviews, you still should have a good plan of how you are going to respond to them because it is possible for someone to write a negative review about your website and you need to be aware of that right away so that you can fix the problems.

Being professional and polite when you are replying to any of the reviews that you get, even if they are negative, is one of the best ways that you can show your users that you care about their reviews and that you want to provide with the best website and features that you can. It also helps boost the amount of business that you can get to your website when people see that you are finding the solutions that they need.

Top Organic SEO Tips 'For Small Businesses'

For last three weeks I have been firm at work exploring popular SEO guides that worked for small businesses. Unlike large competitors, small businesses do not have personnel or ad budgets to market in the present economy, but fortunately, none of these factors actually matter for online marketing because small business SEO is the best way to steal market share and of course to level the playing field.

After exploring the finest sources and communicating with popular SEO experts, I have realized that organic SEO is the best way to sustain a small but focused scope. The following is the list of 7 SEO Google tips that I found necessary for small businesses to generate results and I hope this list helps the new and inexperienced businesses that are looking for top SEO News.

1. Make a site that is easy to load:

Now that Google has initiated speed into the search engine ranking algorithm, its time to make sure that your website is easy to load. By improving your website’s speed you also improve customer experience, which helps in converting your visitor into customer.

Use tools such as Y Slow or Web Page Analyzer to check out the problem behind slow speed. Make a site that is SEO Google friendly and easy to load so that you do not make users wait to purchase your products.

2. Optimize for local search:

Going local is the most beneficial technique for small business enterprises. Around 70% local consumers use Google SEO local listings to search information about the nearby companies. Verify your business on the local listings such as Yahoo Local, Bing Local or Google Places to get maximum benefits.

3. Connect with the customer by adding personal touch to your site:

The major advantage that small businesses have is chance to connect with the customers by adding a personal voice. By making your voice heard you are not just adding trust but also showcasing your authority in the market. Add recommendations and reviews along with product features and how your services can benefit the customers.

4. Give importance to content:

Content has always been the king for the search engines and it still is. Search engines not just give more importance to unique SEO friendly content, but, the better opportunities are given to users to find your products and services. Explain everything - services you provide, the benefit customers can get, feedback, improvements, everything that makes it easy for the customers to build trust.

5. Filter your internal links:

Make sure that your navigation scheme is getting all of your content. Internal links not just add value to your website but also make customers and search engines happy. Develop a linking mindset, think professionally about your website’s linking architecture or use sites like CopyBlogger to refer older posts in your articles. You may also add sitemaps, older posts and related products so that your old but informative content is seen or linked to.

6. Don’t fuss about receiving no-follow links:

Do not get carried away solely by trying to get incoming links lacking dreaded no-follow. You cannot manage how search engines act. Providing better services and customer satisfaction is your SEO guide. If you focus on good content, search engines will focus on various aspects of SEO by themselves. Better content attracts better links and it is good for both SEO and customers at the same time.

7. Create content for people not only for search engines:

If your sole purpose to create the content is to impress the search engines, you are missing on all your business profits. As per the Google SEO guide, creating a user friendly content can help you more as compared to just creating content for search engines.

A user visits your website to see how your services can benefit him, but when he comes to your site and finds a content that is confusing; he may leave and might not come back. If you want more inbound links and business profits, make sure to write for the customers because no matter how important search engines are, they cannot avail your services!

Improve your online business with more such useful SEO tips And updates on upcoming search engine optimization techniques at – a Next Generation SEO Guide. Browse this online SEO SMO magazine and find out Is your website SEO fits social media trends?

Health Care' Jobs Are Growing Fastest

With an aging population and new innovations in medical diagnosis and treatment, healthcare jobs are growing faster than in any other field. An aging population needs more health services while healthcare innovations increase the use of medications and the demand for treatment facilities.

Even though healthcare provides job opportunities both to health services professionals and others such as accountants, personnel officers, buyers, computer programmers and food service personnel, the emphasis in this article is on health services professionals.

Health Services Professionals

Health services require both professionals with advanced training and technicians with different kinds of operational skills. We look at the range of healthcare jobs in this market. This is more an indicative list rather than an exhaustive one.

*Physicians, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists and veterinarians are professionals who require varying levels of training
*Technologists and technicians in clinical laboratory, EEG, EKG, nuclear medicine, radiology and surgical work
*Health technicians like dental hygienists, dispensing opticians and emergency medicine technicians
*Dieticians and nutritionists, occupational, physical, recreational and respiratory therapists and speech pathologists
*Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
*Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, nursing aides and psychiatric aides
*Home care nurse, health aides, medical assistants and social workers
*Medical billing specialist, coding specialist, patient account representative and insurance claims/reimbursement specialists
*Medical records technicians
*Medical transcriptionists

As would be immediately evident, the field is quite extensive, and could extend further with new innovations in diagnosis and treatment.

Healthcare Jobs Information Resources

Each of the healthcare jobs requires specialized training, certification and licensing. Being a matter of life and death, unlicensed practitioners are not allowed to work in healthcare fields. Licenses are granted by different states in the USA, and each state has its own licensing regulations.

There are many sources for information on healthcare jobs.

The US Department of Labor publishes projected demands for different kinds of labor. Similar projections might be published by the healthcare industry also. These projections can help you select a healthcare job that is in line with your inclinations and also promises a growing demand.

Then there are numerous career centers, on the ground and on the Web, which will provide you information about each job. You can get information on:

*What the job involves. A description of the work that the job involves.
*Qualifications needed to be hired, and details of education and training needed to acquire the qualifications
*Training institutions and admissions procedure
*The formalities regarding certifications and licensing, such as the need for internship
*Career progression paths indicating the potential for growth in job satisfaction and earnings
*Current earnings levels in each healthcare job
*Associations of healthcare professionals and technicians

These career centers also interview persons engaged in each occupation and publish the interview details. These published interviews portray life in each profession, the kind of satisfaction it can provide, and give you a more realistic picture of what to expect if you choose it.Image Source

Level of 'Depression' Determines healing rate of wounds among diabetics

The way people cope with diabetes-related foot ulcers and their levels of depression, affect how their wound heals or worsens, found a study by a health psychologist at The University of Nottingham.

Professor Kavita Vedhara from the University’s Institute of Work, Health and Organisations, said that healing rates are different in people suffering from diabetes-related foot ulcers, depending on the way they cope and their psychological state of mind.

The study has sparked a follow-on project to develop psychological treatments to reduce depression in sufferers and help them cope more effectively with this debilitating and potentially life-threatening condition.

Foot ulcers are open sores which form when a minor skin injury fails to heal because of microvascular and metabolic dysfunction caused by diabetes.

Up to fifteen per cent of people with diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2, develop foot or leg ulcers with many suffering depression and poorer quality of life as a result.

During the five-year study 93 patients (68 men and 25 women) with diabetic foot ulcers were recruited from specialist podiatry clinics across the UK. Clinical and demographic determinants of healing; psychological distress, coping style and levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in saliva were assessed and recorded at the start of a 24 week monitoring period.

The size of each patient’s ulcer was also measured at the start, and then at 6, 12 and 24 weeks to record the extent of healing or otherwise of the ulcer.

The results of the research showed that the likelihood of the ulcer healing over a 24 week period was predicted by how individual’s coped.

Surprisingly perhaps, patients who showed a ‘confrontational’ way of coping (a style characterised by a desire to take control) with the ulcer and its treatment were less likely to have a healed ulcer at the end of the 24 week period.

“My colleagues and I believe that this confrontational approach may, inadvertently, be unhelpful in this context because these ulcers take a long time to heal. As a result, individuals with confrontational coping may experience distress and frustration because their attempts to take control do not result in rapid improvements,” said Vedhara.

A secondary analysis of each patient examined the relationship of psycho-social factors with the change in the size of the ulcer over the observation period.

Whereas the first analysis showed that only confrontation coping, not anxiety or depression, was a significant predictor of healing, the second showed that depression was a significant predictor in how the size of the ulcer changed over time, with patients with clinical depression showing smaller changes in ulcer size over time i.e., they showed less improvement or healing.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hot chips' May Cause Cancer

MELBOURNE: Fried or roasted potatoes, potato crisps, coffee and cereal-based products, including biscuits and toasted bread can cause cancer, the World Health Organisation has warned. Experts have said that a chemical created when starchy foods are cooked at high temperatures has been proven to cause the disease.

Following laboratory tests in animals this year, a joint WHO and United Nations expert committee on food additives agreed there was evidence that the chemical acrylamide caused cancer. “Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has assessed the new data and agrees with the conclusions,” the Courier Mail quoted a FSANZ spokeswoman as saying.

“The authority has acknowledged there is a need for ongoing research into health impacts of acrylamide in food. “The FSANZ has been working with industry to reduce the levels of acrylamide in food,” she added. Acrylamide was discovered in foods by Swedish scientists in 2002.Source

Search Engines' Can't Be Controlled

Search engines are one of those things in life that can't be controlled. Life is full of things that can't be controlled.

We can't control who we're related to, or whether or not the sun will shine and we certainly can't control how other people on the road drive.

A search engines'survival depends on the quality of their searches. They're not about to try and make you happy even if you think you deserve it if mking you happy affects the quality of their results. If their search results aren't good their bottom line will be affected and in the end their long term survival. Search engines can't be controlled they are the controllers.

Search engine marketing professionals do not own search engines. They can tell you, and they do tell you, that you will achieve a no.1 ranking on a given search engine. The bottom line is there is no way they can make that happen. Search engines can't be controlled.

Telling your search engine marketing people that you want to be no.1 in Yahoo will not guarantee you such a result. Your search engine marketing people can help you increase the chances of ranking higher but that is far from a guarantee.

Your search engine consultant doesn't control the search engine so they can't guarantee your ranking. If you don't control the medium you can't control the result. It's as simple as that. Unfortunately, some people do learn to control search engines through less than ethical means. Cheating and trickery will, in the end, be caught by search engines and will, in the end, get one banned for life from using them.

The end result will be a return to the 9 to 5 routine. It's best just to accept that search engines can't be controlled.

Ranking algorithms of search engines are closely guarded secrets. If everyone knew the secret there would be no point in having them. The aim of search engines is not to give a top ranking to a site that was able to beat the system, but rather to give a top ranking to the site that best matches the search query of an individual visitor.

Search engines can't be controlled. Good quality content will, however,bring you one step closer to achieving the ranking you're looking for from a search engine. The value of real search engine marketing can be controlled ... by you.Source

Searching Simultaneously' with Google and Yahoo

Who is the best Yahoo or Google? Tri' say he loves to search on Google only, istianti vote goes to Yahoo. What about you? You love both! Me too If you search both Google and Yahoo simultaneously you will be surely come out with some innovative results that you have never before. The results will be something more than that exactly you are looking for.

Google offers more technical results but Yahoo has more business oriented results to display. Google may have a better search technology and more creative tools but Yahoo has also improved its search engines by creating a new Search Assist Tool.

Both of them have different strategies and algorithms while displaying the search results but the results displayed by both yahoo and Google are more or less the same. It might be happen the URL displayed by Google on top is the third or second position holder in the yahoo results but in 90% cases they display same results for the similar search query.

If you have a thirst for information, it’s mandatory to check them both Google and Yahoo. A perfect blend of Yahoo and Google results is mandatory for accuracy of your search results. is presenting a new feature to have results displayed by both Google and yahoo on a single screen.

To resolve the problem of net savvies called "internet search fatigue" is has come up with a new search tool which offers Google and yahoo search results in a single screen. User will be able to see and compare results displayed by any of the two search engines of their choice.

If you like neither Google nor Yahoo has some other options for you. If you prefer to use Windows Live Search or AltaVista that’s also not a complication.

To mix your search presents search and comparison between Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alta Vista, DogPile, Ask and other search engines.

One can also add SearchBoth search bar to your website for the quickest results and comparison. Expand your search by searching simultaneously with Google and Yahoo and get more productive results.Source

Ten-Hottest And Sexy Weather Girls Ever

Weather girls are such a tease. Reaching all over the place and pointing. You could put the TV on mute and still enjoy it. Check out the 10 hottest weather girls.

Mary Gamarra, USA (Telemundo)

Maria Quiban, USA

Jill Nicolini, USA

Jackie Johnson, USA

Gabriela Grechi, Italy

Gaal Noemi, Hungary

Elita Loresca, USA

Angie Gonzalez, Mexico

Jackie Guerrido, USA

Sugey Abrego, Mexico

Mayte Carranco, Mexico