Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Empty Pregnant Or Blight Ovum ?

Pregnant but no baby in the womb is often called the empty pregnancy or blight ovum. As the pregnancy in general, women who experienced pregnancy is also experiencing empty late period, nausea and vomiting occur early in pregnancy and abdominal enlargement. When a pregnancy test done, the mother expressed a positive pregnancy. This is because the placenta also produces the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Well, this is the hormone which signals that the pregnancy had occurred

But unfortunately, even though the fetus is formed, but the fetus does not grow properly. Gynecologist just a bag filled with fluid. A mother would have been indicated if the pregnancy has been confirmed empty by ultrasound.


* Nearly 60% of pregnancy caused empty chromosomal abnormalities in the process of egg fertilization and sperm cells.

* Although the percentage is not too big, rubella infections, TORCH infections, immunological disorders, and diabetes mellitus uncontrolled. in pregnant women can be a cause of Blight ovum.

* The old Kian wives and husbands age and the greater number of children who have also increase the odds of pregnancy is empty.


* Conducting immunization of the mother to avoid the entry of rubella virus in the body. In addition to immunization, pregnant women must always maintain personal hygiene and the neighborhood.

* Heal past illnesses suffered by expectant mothers. After that make sure that prospective mothers actually be healthy during pregnancy.

Chromosome examination

* Not only the prospective mother, the father was advised to stop smoking and start living healthy now.

* Routine pregnancy check. Because usually "pregnancy empty" rarely known " as age pregnancy is still under eight months..