Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ten People With Unique Bodies

God bestows every human being with all sorts of his love and affection, on the one side there are human beings endowed with a surplus ", but on the other hand there is also bestowed with the limitations on, but really all it must have been created by God to perfect as possible and with a view specific intent of which only God alone knows the mind of all that, without intending to exploit the creation of God the Most Perfect, here we describe some strengths and received God's gift of His people in this world some very rare and seldom possessed by human beings in general.

Vivian Wheeler: Woman Has Rare The Beard

Frank Ames: Owner's longest eye brows

Devendra Harne and Pranamya Menaria: Man With The Most Fingerprint (25 fingers)

Svetlana Pankratova: longest legs in the World

Radhakant Baijpai: Hair On Ear longest (over 13 cm)

Lee Redmond: longest finger nails, Got Damaged For Car Accident

Annika Irmler: longest tongue

Lui Hua: Largest Hand-Length his left thumb 10, 2-inch

Mehmet Ozyurek: Nose longest Size

Cathie Jung, a woman with the world's smallest waist