Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How To Increase Speed of Firefox 3.6

Here's how:

1st. In the address bar type about: config
will display the files confugurasi fire fox

2 locate the file follows:


3. sets of files are as follows:

network.http.pipelining to true
network.http.proxy.pipelining to true

4. Change the value of the following files:

network.http.pipelining.maxrequests be 50 or 64.

5. create the following file:

Then right click select New: integer. copy and paste this command: nglayout.initialpaint.delay give the value 0 (zero)

In the Filter bar type: network.dns.disableIPv6

Then, double click on the row showing the same preference name. Double click will change the value from false to true.

In the Filter bar type: plugin.expose_full_path

Then, double click on the row showing the same preference name. Double click will change the value from false to true.

In the Filter bar type: network.protocol-handler.external.ms-help

Then, double click on the row showing the same preference name. Double click will change the value from false to true.

on line: network.protocol-handler.external.ms-help

Now create another new Preference Name with an integer value. To do this, right-click on the row-handler.external.ms network.protocol-help and select Preferences Names New -> Integer.

In the dialog box type in the New integer value: content.notify.backoffcount

and click OK. Later in New Integer Value dialog box type 5 (read: five) and click OK.

After that, you create a new Preference Name with an integer value. To do this, right-click on the row-handler.external.ms network.protocol-help and select Preferences Names New -> Integer.

In the dialog box type in the New integer value: nglayout.initialpaint.delay

switch off and try to test and see the difference.

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