Sunday, February 27, 2011

10 The World's Oldest Mosques

The World's Oldest Mosques
10. Al-Zaytuna Mosque, Tunisia
First Built: 709

The World's Oldest Mosques
09. Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem
First Built: 705
The World's Oldest Mosques
08. Imam Hussain Mosque, Iraq
First Built: 680

The World's Oldest Mosques
07. Mosque of Uqba, Tunisia
First Built: 670

The World's Oldest Mosques
06. Great Mosque of Kufa, Iraq
First Built: 639

The World's Oldest Mosques
05. Masjid al-Haram, Saudi Arabia
First Built: 638

The World's Oldest Mosques
04. Jawatha Mosque, Saudi Arabia
First Built: 629

The World's Oldest Mosques
03. Masjid al-Qiblatain, Saudi Arabia
First Built: 623
The World's Oldest Mosques
02. Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, Saudi Arabia
First Built: 622
The World's Oldest Mosques
01. Quba Mosque, Saudi Arabia
First Built: 622

The designation of the oldest mosque in the world requires careful use of definitions, and must be divided into two parts, the oldest in the sense of oldest surviving building, and the oldest in the sense of oldest mosque congregation. Even here, there is the distinction between old mosque buildings that have been in continuous use as mosques, and those that have been converted to other purposes; and between buildings that have been in continuous use as mosques and those that were shuttered for many decades. In terms of congregations, they are distinguished between early established congregations that have been in continuous existence, and early congregations that ceased to exist (wikipedia).