Friday, February 11, 2011

Meet Rarest Photos Of Olm Fish, Amazing Human Fish

Rarest Photos Of Olm Fish, Amazing Human Fish

The olm, or proteus is a blind amphibian endemic to the subterranean waters of caves of the Dinaric karst of southern Europe. It is also occasionally called the “human fish” by locals because of its skin color, similar to that of white people. The olm, a foot-long salamander nicknamed “the human fish” because of its fleshy skin and tubular shape, is certainly a strange-looking animal. But beneath the surface, they’re even weirder: Olms can live for 100 years, far longer than any other amphibian. I’m sure many didn’t see it before, so it’ll be interesting for you to see the pictures.

Rarest Photos Of Olm Fish, Amazing Human Fish

Rarest Photos Of Olm Fish, Amazing Human Fish

Rarest Photos Of Olm Fish, Amazing Human Fish