Monday, February 14, 2011

Beautiful Chinese Manga Comic Artist - April Xia Da

Beautiful Chinese manga comic artist, April Xia Da (夏達), is a very famous comic celebrity from China. April Xia Da is one of the rare breed talented manga comics artist who also made it to the covers of magazines due to her comic-like cute looks. In her free time, April Xia Da loves to read comics and surprisingly, play computer games.

April Xia Da - Beautiful Chinese Manga Comic Artist

April Xia Da recently gained a lot more publicity which boosted her fame through recent works published in Japan.

Chinese manga artist beauty becomes popular in Japan, quickly wins over otaku

Summary: Recently, a Chinese female cartoon/anime artist named Xia Da, owing to her delicate and refined drawing style and her refreshingly bright appearance, has become the love of Japanese otaku and known as “China’s cutest female anime artist”. Recently, with the manga she created 《子不语》 ["Zi Bu Yu"] officially entering Japan, it became the only domestic original manga to have become domestically popular and then enter Japan’s top manga magazine.


Name: Xia Da 夏達

Nickname: April

Date of birth: April 4, 1981

Place of birth: Hunan Huaihua, China

Living in: Hangzhou

Horoscope: Aries

Professional: Cartoonist

And Here The Photos of April Xia Da - Beautiful Chinese Manga/cartoon/anime Comic Artist:

April Xia Da - Beautiful Chinese Manga Comic Artist

April Xia Da - Beautiful Chinese Manga Comic Artist

April Xia Da - Beautiful Chinese Manga Comic Artist

April Xia Da - Beautiful Chinese Manga Comic Artist

April Xia Da - Beautiful Chinese Manga Comic Artist