Wednesday, July 28, 2010

3 Tips 'To Get Recurring Traffic To Your Blog Everyday

Having a blog is essential for your business. You can use it to provide reviews on products, to build a relationship with your readers, or even to deliver great article content showcasing your insights and intelligence on a particular topic. All of these reasons can be extremely beneficial when it comes to increasing the revenue of your business.

With a blog, you can become an expert in your niche, and gain much respect and credibility in your community. As your credentials grow, you will receive repeat traffic and an increased fan based due to the fact that people want to receive your latest content.

So it also goes without saying that a blog can dramatically increase your sales and build your subscriber list. You can get found via the search engines organically, and create a relationship with a new prospect automatically as they browse your blog for valuable content.

When you give readers the option to subscribe to your blog via email updates, you give them a reason to come back to your blog. This method of traffic building can only increase your product sales and affiliate income due to the constant and predictable stream of traffic that’s coming to your site everyday.

Also, with alot of subscribers, you’ll start to see an increase in the number of blog comments that are left under each posting. Some comment posters will be professional bloggers themselves, and will include a link back to their favorite post of yours if they found it extremely useful.

This increases the number of one-way backlinks to your blog, and if the linker has a reputable site in the eyes of Google, then your seo rankings can increase. The more of these high-quality one-way backlinks you receive, the higher your search engine rankings, and the more traffic you will receive.

Also, by including a search box on your blog, you can give your readers an easy way to find valuable information on a given topic written only by you. Since you are the obvious expert in their eyes, almost anything that you have to say will be received on an open ear. This kind of reception from an audience is hard to gain, and once you’ve gained it from your readers, you can expect constant repeat visitors to your blog day after day.

Here are some other great ways to get traffic to your blog other than what I have already mentioned:

1) Use the blog and ping technique

Blogging and pinging is simply a method of notifying many blog directories and search engines that you have new and relevant information on your blog. These directories then come and visit your blog, and indexes your pages on their website. It’s a good way to get your blog listed in the search engines relatively quickly, and also great for bringing new traffic to your blog.

There are a ton of blog and ping services out there that can ping the blog directories automatically for you. Here are some of my favorites:

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2) Add popular news readers buttons to your blog

New reader buttons are ways for readers to add your RSS feed content to their favorite news reader. This way, readers dont have to actually visit your blog to read your content. This makes it easy for them to receive your information to their desktop, email, or even their cell phone. The benefit to you is that you expand your reach to your readers when they’re busy and can’t otherwise visit your blog.

And with something truly relevant and pertinent to your readers, they may click through to your posting and actually visit your blog again - thereby increasing your chances of making a sale or earning some affiliate revenue.

Placing popular news readers buttons on your blog can be as easy as visiting Once you sign up to this free service that hosts your RSS feeds, you have the option of adding many popular buttons to your blog through their free “chicklet” service. Here’s another great blog traffic technique:
3) Post daily to your blog

If you’re serious about getting traffic to your blog, then you’re going to have to make at least one post to your blog everyday. The reason for this is that search engines and blog services love updated content. And if you’re listed in the search engines, everytime you update your content, the search engine spiders will come and index your new pages thereby increasing the chances of you receiving new visitors and subscribers to your blog.

But don’t over do this technique. Too many blog posts in one day can actually hurt your search engine rankings and do more harm to your hard work and efforts than good. So if you’re going to post everyday to your blog, aim for a goal of 1-3 posts per day. 10 or more posts per day from a search engine’s perspective may make them think that you’re trying to spam or manipulate them. And it’s best to always avoid this view.

Keep these great tips in mind when getting traffic to your blog.