Monday, July 19, 2010

How To Build Muscle Mass' Quick Without Supplements

So maybe you do not want to take supplements to build up your muscles well that is just fine many people prefer not to take supplements for many reasons, so the question is how do you build muscle mass quick without supplements?

Well it is possible and you can do it, it just takes quit a bit of effort. So if you are serious about building muscle mass quick then read on fitness lovers because this article is for you.

You need to make the most out of every single workout this means you must push yourself to the limit. The key to muscle mass quickly is lifting enough weight for muscle failure. When you do a lot of reps you are actually making long lean muscles and burning calories something that you do not want to do if you are trying to build muscle mass.

So in three to five reps you should lift as much weight as you can and do these exercises slowly so that you can cause rips and tears in your muscle then after your muscle heals it will be stronger and it will be bigger and that is what you are going for. This is how you build muscle mass quick and you can do it without taking supplements.

Diet is also important when it comes to building muscle mass quick. You should eat lean meat such as turkey chicken and fish which is also very high in protein, you can eat ground beef and steak if these sound more appealing to you.

But if you are going to eat steak and ground beef just make sure that they are fat free or at least 98% fat free. Also fruits and vegetables should be at every meal when building muscle mass quickly. So right before your workout you should eat a decent amount of protein rich food and then immediately following your workout eat protein as well.

If you find yourself not hungry after weight training then just eat afterwards this will quench your muscles thirst with protein. It is more important to eat directly after your workout but you can gain more muscle mass and get bigger quicker if you eat before and after.

So there you have it how to build muscle mass quick without the help of supplements. It is possible and like many you to will see results. So with a little hard work and lots of protein, and making the absolute most out of your workouts then you can achieve the goals for building muscle, and get the muscle that you have always dreamed about.