Monday, July 19, 2010

Keywords' Are The Key To Success For Website or Blog

The secret to success on the internet lies in your keywords. The keywords in your articles pull people to your website. This is why a great emphasis lies on choosing the right keywords. Jjust by refining your keyword phrases, you will increase traffic to your website.

Keyword phrases are the building blocks to your website's success. . People are generally confident that they know the ideal keyword phrases for their websites. However, this is not always true.

Sometimes the same keyword phrases give different implications to different websites. The best means of refining your keyword phrases would be by allowing your customers to suggest keywords that will best describe your business or company.

You will be surprised at the varied types of keyword phrases that you may receive. Sometimes, you may even feel that your customers speak a completely different language from yours! However, once you have a list of potential keyword phrases for your website, you could try adding some variations, plurals, and derivatives to the existing keyword phrases.

Then, looking at the keyword phrases, you could evaluate each of them to learn which is most probable to draw in maximum traffic to your website. The main criteria to use to decide on the best keyword phrases would be popularity, specificity, and the motivation of the user.

Popularity is the best means of refining your keyword phrase. This is because it is basically not subjective and can be found out using keyword search tools like Word Tracker.

With such tools, you not only learn about the popularity of the keyword phrase, but also learn about some additional key phrases and variations. The higher the popularity number, the higher the traffic the keyword phrase should pull to your website. However this is not the only way of deciding on the right keyword phrase to be used.

Besides being popular, you should use the keyword that is most specific to the content of your article and website. This means that the keyword should be more descriptive to the subject matter, and not just a general keyword. For example, instead of "debt", the term "credit card debt" is a better keyword phrase; keeping in mind that it is the longer keyword phrase that pulls in more traffic to your website. With longer keywords, you have less competition with the search engine queries.

Another important point is that you need to keep the motivation of the user in mind. If you have a choice between two keyword phrases, you should use the keyword phrase that the internet user is more likely to use in search engines, and will most probably prefer. Sometimes even subtle changes in keyword phrases will play a difference in the traffic to your website.

Today, with the help of some tools, you can decide which keyword phrases are more popular on the internet. Using this software, you can determine the type of people who usually visit your website.

You can learn who does downloads, who asks for demonstrations you have, and which type of people fill out your contact information.

With this information, you can find out which keywords drew these visitors to your site, and thus eliminate unwanted keywords. You can then refine your keyword phrases to use which can drive maximum traffic to your website.