Monday, July 19, 2010

Mel Gibson Is Dead (Just Hoaxes)

One of the latest hoaxes to hit the Internet is that Mel Gibson is dead. There is, however, no cause for concern (or celebration) - it is merely a hoax and the once much-revered actor is alive and well. Or, at least, he is alive. According to reports he is sick of the negative press that he has been receiving lately and is about to move to Australia with his ex-wife Robyn and some of their children. Although Gibson was born in the US, he spent much of his childhood in Australia, so it is perhaps natural that he would choose to move back there. The media have reported that he has already sold his mansion at a cut price.

Gibson has barely been out of the news recently. A gossip website has released a series of audio tapes purporting to be of Gibson, in which he rants against his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. The relationship clearly ended acrimoniously, and the former couple are now involved in a court battle over their daughter, Lucia.

The tapes are said to have been provided by Grigorieva herself, although there does appear to be doubts that they are actually of Gibson. Some of the reported content of the tapes involves obscene language - some of the less foul language involves Gibson calling Grigorieva a whore and a gold-digger. He also threatens violence and Gibson is indeed being investigated for domestic violence by the police.

Apart from the negative press that Gibson has been receiving - this isn't, after all, the first time he has been caught ranting - it seems that his career is also at risk. His latest film, The Beaver, directed by Jodie Foster, stars Gibson, who has conversations with a beaver puppet. Summit Entertainment LLC, the film's distribution company may hold back the release of the film, according to Paul Dergarabedian, president of researcher’s box-office tracking unit. Summit executives haven't yet commented on the situation. The Beaver is only Gibson's second film since he was accused of making racist comments to a sheriff deputy in 2006.

The 'Mel Gibson dead' rumors may be nothing more than a hoax. However, it does reflect the opinion of Mel Gibson that the public has at the moment. Gibson's ex-wife Robyn appears to be supporting him, claiming that she has never seen a violent side to him and that she must be lying. According to a friend: "She is shocked and furious at this woman’s lies and their seven children are shocked." Whether this is true or not remains to be seen. However, it is just one example of the negative press that Gibson has received over the past few years and it seems likely that there is no smoke without fire.

Gibson should consider the effect his actions are having on his children. Perhaps a move to Australia with a completely new start is just what he needs.