Saturday, July 10, 2010

Online sex shops booming in China

July 10 : More and more Chinese are going online to buy sex toys and products these days.

“Many Chinese want to buy sex toys but cringe at the thought of entering sex shops,” Li Yinhe, a sociologist and sexologist with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said.

“Online sex-toy shopping can avoid such problems since consumers don’t have to reveal their real names,” Yinhe, China’s largest online shopping destination has about 4,500 sex shops registered and raked in about 60 million yuan in transactions of adult products in June, reports the China Daily.

“Sex toys, especially blow-up dolls which cost a store 10,000 yuan, can sell for 40,000 yuan,” said Tao Ran, the public relations manager of said.Moreover, customers can find ‘better’ sex toys and products online than they find in stores. But some still prefer the conventional way.

“I never shop online, especially for something like adult toys, because I don’t think all the products would pass quality control,” said a consumer at a sex shop in Sanlitun, one of Beijing’s busiest areas.