Monday, July 5, 2010

The Vampires Is no more scary' but sexy and kind creatures

"Vampires not bloodsucking monsters, but sexy and kind creatures"

Wellington, June 30 : Vampires are no more scary and evil bloodsucking creatures, but are sexy - even kind hearted, so says a researcher. Massey University Albany School of Management lecturer Andrew Cardow is a vampire researcher and has written on how the monster is now seen as an “everyman with fangs”.

Although vampires have always been ‘popular’ their image seems to have undergone a drastic makeover - from an ugly, fanged, nocturnal creatures to sexy, kind hearted, day creatures that are vegetarians too!

“The vampire of today has feelings, it has a sense of humanity,” New Zealand Herald quoted Cardow as saying. Vampire makeovers in the mass media had led to an acceptance “that the vampire was nothing more than a wronged, misunderstood unfortunate,” Cardow’s paper said.

His paper was updated for publication in the Vampires and Zombies: Transnational Transformations journal, amidst the hype of the latest film in the ‘Twilight’ series: ‘Eclipse’.